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L'Adorazione dei magiDomenico Bigordi, known as Ghirlandaio, was born in Florence in 1449. One of his early works is the fresco of the lunette of the Vespucci chapel in the Church of All Saints in Florence, depicting the Madonna of Pity. It is a simple drawing with very few decorations and shows that Ghirlandaio’s art was close to that of Verrocchio and Pollaiolo.
Before 1475 he painted the frescos in the chapel of Santa Fina in the duomo of St Gimignano, showing episodes from the life of Santa Fina.
During his stay in Rome, Ghirlandaio’sstyle took on some features that did not change, even in later years: accurate description of all details, graceful figures, bright colours and crowded compositions.
In Rome he decorated the Vatican Library (perished), and the scene of the Calling of Peter and Andrew in the Sistine Chapel.
Ghirlandaio worked in Florence from 1482 when he received a commission for the Hall of Lilies in Palazzo Vecchio and the Sassetti chapel in Santa Trinità. The scenes take place in XV century Florence; the scene in the Resurrection of the child of Casa Spini, for example, takes place in Santa Trinità square.
He decorated the Tornabuoni chapel in Santa Maria Novella with episodes from the Life of the Virgin and of St John the Baptist. Other important paintings are: a ‘tondo’ (round painting) with the Adoration of the Magi (1487) and the Adoration of the Innocents’ Hospital. He also painted some portraits such as the Old Man with child and Giovanna Tornabuoni.
Domenico Ghirlandaio died in 1494.


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Storiadellarte.com is a site created in 2000 for amateur purposes. It presents an overview of the main artistic periods and some of the biographies of the most illustrious artists in the history of Italian art.


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