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Tino di Camaino

Tino di Camaino was born in Siena in about 1280. Son of the sculptor and architect Camaino di Crescentino, he trained in the workshop of Giovanni Pisano. The style of his works is between the tradionally static and plastic styles and the linear dynamism of Monumento a Cardinal PetroniGiovanni Pisano.
During his time as master builder in the construction site of the duomo of Pisa he executed the funeral monument of the emperor Arrigus VII, in 1315. Probably at this time he also painted Enthroned Madonna in Santa Maria della Spina.
In the funeral monument of Cardinal Petroni, in the duomo of Siena, the most striking elements are the resting figure of the deceased and the caryatids below it. Their style is different from that of the remaining parts of the picture, which are lighter, revealing the influence of art from Siena.
Between 1320 and 1330 the artist moved to Florence where he executed the funeral monument of the Bishop Orso (it was divided into smaller parts). A very unusual feature is the deceased who is sitting upright, yet looks heavy in his beautifully embroidered robes.
Tino of Camaino moved to Naples in about 1323, where he worked as an architect in the Carthusian monastery of St Martin and Sant'Elmo castle. He was an engineer and helped with the widening of the dockyards and the port.
In this city his works include: the Tomb of Catherine of Austria (church of San Lorenzo Maggiore, the Grave of Mary of Hungary (Santa Maria Donnaregina), the Monument of the Duke of Calabria and the Monument of Maria of Valois (Santa Chiara).
The artist died in Naples in 1337.


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Storiadellarte.com is a site created in 2000 for amateur purposes. It presents an overview of the main artistic periods and some of the biographies of the most illustrious artists in the history of Italian art.


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